Cyclone In Bangladesh

The word  ‘cyclone’ is derived from the  Greek word  ‘cyclous’ which means a circle.
A cyclone is a broader and wider aspect of a whirlwind covering a vast area. Cyclone
comes quickly and also goes out quickly leaving a trail of destruction and havoc behind.
Cyclone originates from the low pressure of the winds to fill up the vacuum, the wind
of the surrounding areas start moving in terribly rotating speed round a calm central area.
This moving storm is  the cyclone. Winds blows from all directions and wind never steady and regular, patches of dark clouds are seen in the sky. It   suddenly becomes  gloomy and looks like a dark sheet of cloud when it actually strikes. The havoc caused by a cyclone is appalling, accompanied by tidal surge can easily wipe out a particular area in a short time.
The damage and devastation caused by cyclone to men, animals, houses, crops, roads, property,  tele-communication system , electricity   etc are  very colossal and too tragic to describe. The loss is simply irreparable. It hits  Bangladesh almost every year. In 1960, 1962, 1970, 1985, 1988 and 1991 are the severest. It surges that lashed the coastal belts and the offshore islands in 1985 was really disastrous. One island  Urirchar was practically wiped out. Hundred thousands and the extent of devastation and damage which it caused to life, property, crops, houses and colossal. It left a trial of death, destruction, agony and despair everywhere. Nearly ten million people were affected by the worst ever it strom and water surge.  It and tidal surge that swept over the coastal districts and off-shore islands in Appril, 1991 was unprecedented. Theb number of deaths rose to several The government  took all possible measures with the help of different national and international agencies and organizations to undertake relief and salvage operations very promptly. U. S. joint Task Force operations Sea Angel also joined to gear up relief and salvage operations in right earnest to mitigate the sufferings of the cyclone-hit people.
We know that science has done wonders. But it has not been able to control the mighty
Forces of nature as yet. As we cannot stop excessive rainfall ,drought or it, we have to take measures to stop their destructive effects. Advance warnings are needed and immediate steps may be taken to ensure maximum safety of life property.

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